Action learning project

What is Action Learning?

Action Learning (AL) is a form of “experience-based learning” used for creating capacities of a group of people to deal with a real challenge of their concern. Through combined individual and group activities, that in a cyclical way include “planning, action, reflection and learning”, the participants work to understand the challenge, and find answers and solutions to deal with it. The view is that joining efforts and energies give more results than individual activity in managing complex issues that need interventions.

In SARe course we use AL for developing students’ skills to work as a team for the sustainability of agroecosystems; to analyze complex phenomena; to act with a system thinking and in a participatory way. Students, supported by CIHEAM Bari facilitators, visit territories, interact with key actors, reflect on experiences, prepare dossiers on findings and lessons learned. Through the process they learn about the challenges associated with agroecological transitions and agroecosystem transformation.

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