Ms. Frida Krifca was elected President of the CIHEAM Governing Board during its 151st meeting. On the same occasion, Mr. Teodoro Miano was elected Secretary General. He took office on March 1, 2023, for a first four-year term.
Consisting of one representative from each of the 13 Member States, the Governing Board is the managing and decision-making body. Representatives of the OECD and the Council of Europe sit ex officio on the Board in an advisory capacity. The President is elected by a 2/3 majority for a period of 4 years. He is assisted by Vice-Presidents elected for the same period through the same voting procedure.
It consists of a number of eminent figures appointed for a period of 4 years by the Governing Board. They are "chosen, in particular, from among members of establishments for higher education in agriculture and of agricultural research institutes" (article 5.1 of the 1962 Agreement). It gives its advice on issues submitted by the Governing Board.
President of the Advisory Board
Mr ABDALLAH Chadi (CNRS Lebanon)
Advisory Board Members
Mrs BENCHIKH LEHOCINE Maysoun (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Algeria)
Mrs FATEN Khamassi (INAT, Tunisia)
Mr CARMONA BELO Carlos (INIAV, Portugal)
Mr KAPAJ Ilir (Tirana University, Albania)
Mr ROJAS BRIALES Eduardo (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain)
Mrs SAMMUT Sonya (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food, and Animal Rights of Malta)
Responsible for guiding the CIHEAM's actions with regard to the legislation of its member states, the position is held by Mr Terry OLSON.
The role of this advisory committee is to help make decisions based on ethical considerations, taking into account the traditions and values of each Member State.
This committee is responsible for checking that the accounts drawn up by the accounting department comply with operating and funding rules. It is chaired by Mr Vincent FELLER.