GECO 2.2

Green Economy and CO2.2 (GECO 2.2)

GECO2.2 (Green Economy and CO2.2) project, funded by the Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme, aims to create a regional voluntary carbon market in agriculture. It promotes practices that boost carbon in soil and biomass, enhancing farm resilience to flooding and drought. Outcomes include raising climate awareness, enabling companies to offset carbon through regional credits, and developing a scalable market model for Europe.

Funding Programme

INTERREG Italy-Croatia

Programme Priority

Green and resilient shared environment


30 months | Starting: 01/02/2024


GECO 2.2


€ 2,056,525.00

kick-off meeting

25-26 June 2024

Specific objective

2.1 Promote climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, considering ecosystem-based approaches

About the project

The GECO2.2 project builds on the results of the previous GECO2 initiative, which established the first experimental voluntary market for carbon credits from agriculture. The successful outcomes and challenges identified in the original project led the partners to design GECO2.2 to pursue and consolidate the work done, also in the light of the increasing environmental emergencies and the new legislative scenario in Europe.
The project promotes agricultural practices that increase carbon stocks in soil and biomass, make farms more resilient to floods and droughts, thereby reducing disaster risks, and enhance ecosystem services and biodiversity.
Project outcomes include raising public awareness of climate change and local agricultural solutions, enabling businesses to offset their carbon footprint with regional credits, creating self-sustaining local solutions without relying on public funding, and developing a scalable and replicable market model for regional carbon markets across Europe.

Objectives and Activities

To address these issues, GECO 2.2 will promote a series of activities aimed at:
1. Improving climate change awareness: Raising awareness about climate change and its impacts.
2. Exploring adaptation and mitigation methods: Investigating new climate adaptation and mitigation methods within economic frameworks.
3. Promoting environmentally friendly farming: Introducing and encouraging sustainable farming practices such as soil regeneration and increasing grass diversity in ecotone areas to mitigate climate risks.
4. Enhancing farming processes: Improving farming processes to reduce erosion and flooding risk, and to enhance farming quality.
5. Creating a CO2 market in agriculture: Developing a carbon market within the agricultural sector.
6. Long-term well-being: Achieving long-term improvements in well-being by reducing environmental risks and capturing carbon in the soil/plant system.
By leveraging these opportunities for change, GECO 2.2 aims to assist communities and businesses across the partner regions.

List of partners

1. Legacoop Romagna | Associated Partner: Regione Emilia-Romagna
2. CIHEAM Bari | Associated Partner: Regione Puglia
3. Zadar County Rural Development Agency | Associated Partner: Ministry of Agriculture
4. Dubrovnik Neretva Region
5. Coldiretti Molise
6. Lagacoop Marche
7. UMK - Olive Grower Association Mastrinka
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