Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

EYE: Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs #EYE, funded by the European Commission, is a cross-border exchange programme that aims to promote international exchanges (through the collaboration with local contact points) between new entrepreneurs (NE) and host entrepreneurs (HE), offering opportunities to acquire the skills needed to run a new business on the one hand, and to reconsider business in a new perspective on the other hand. In fact the programme is open to:

  • New Entrepreneurs (NE), young people willing to set up their own innovative business or who have started their own business in the last three years.
  • Host Entrepreneurs (HE), freelancers, business owners/board members, with at least three years of entrepreneurial experience, or responsible for the management of a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME).

CIHEAM Bari, one of Green EYE 3 Consortium Partner, act as Intermediate Organization (IO) for 4 years (2020 - 2024) to stimulate informal education and learning by doing approach, in order to:

  • spread innovation among European green entrepreneurs;
  • develop different learning and teaching styles;
  • extend the formal, curricular training offer;
  • enhance interest, attention, inspiration and motivation through business exchange.

In this way Green EYE 3 Consortium are developing:

  • On-the-job training for new entrepreneurs in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in order to facilitate a successful start-up and development of their business ideas;
  • Exchanges of experience and information between entrepreneurs on common obstacles and challenges;
  • Networking based on entrepreneurial knowledge.

The programme offers the possibility to stay in the selected destination for a minimum period of one month, up to six months, allowing the participants to develop their skills side by side with successful local entrepreneurs and to broaden their background knowledge and professional network thanks to a unique experience.  

The target countries are 36 in Europe, in addition to Canada (Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia), South Korea, Israel, Singapore, Taiwan, USA (NY and California). For non-EU countries the exchange period is 1-3 months.

However, thanks to strong partnership, we reserve the possibility to meet our Green Eye 3's Partner. Fill in the follow questionnaire:

Finally requirements to complete the application include:

  1. Application form (motivations, goals, prospects);
  2. Updated and detailed CV in English;
  3. Business Plan;
  4. Good knowledge of English.

For more information and to find out how to apply contact: or consult: 

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