Sustainable Water & Land Managament in Agricultural Ecosystems (W&L)


The Master’s programme aims at preparing the new generation towards professional and academic careers and enabling their effective contribution to the sustainable management of water and land resources, and to the socio-economic development thereof, in view of important challenges that include water scarcity, land degradation, demographic pressures and climate change.

Learning oucomes

At the end of the programme, the students acquire the following competencies:
- management of water resources with a view to land conservation and water use efficiency increase in Mediterranean agroecosystems,
- management of a range of alternative water resources including saline and reclaimed water, and water harvesting systems for irrigation purposes,
- planning and evaluation of irrigation projects, at farm and large-scale level to optimize water/land/nutrient use, considering societal/institutional aspects and economic criteria,
- knowledge of the latest technologies and tools for a sustainable management of water resources at different scales and in different agroecosystems.

Candidates' profiles

Courses are addressed to new graduate students and young professionals with a university background on agricultural engineering and related sciences including, irrigation, land management, socio-economics and environmental conservation.




Olimpia Antonelli

Head of the Office

Roberta Cosentino


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