For almost 50 years, the CIHEAM Bari has recognised the significant role of students and alumni in defining and shaping its missions. In addition, CIHEAM Bari seeks mutually supportive life-long relationships with the global community of its past and present graduates. In order to develop and strengthen these relationships, CIHEAM Bari has set up the Former Trainees Network (FTN). For CIHEAM Bari policy (strategy), FTN is a key volunteer trainees' association in international higher agricultural education and research in the Mediterranean Basin.
The CIHEAM Bari - FTN initiative was launched in November 2010 and currently has over 868 members (last FTN data elaboration October 2011).
General Objectives
- To provide a common space where it is possible to gather information on the Mediterranean cooperation initiatives and inter-regional projects promoted by CIHEAM and CIHEAM Bari.
- To increase public awareness of CIHEAM and CIHEAM Bari inter-regional programmes by publishing and spreading information on training, research and cooperation activities to foster CIHEAM and CIHEAM Bari strategic/proprieties actions
- To support Alumni career development through life-long learning (postgraduate study follow-up, advanced specialized short courses, workshops…etc) , and facilitate access to business network and employment/job opportunities
- To build an interactive community for continuous exchanges between Alumni, visiting lecturers and CIHEAM Bari staff, researchers and collaborators.
Specific Objectives
- Follow-up study to update the database of the CIHEAM Bari former students and trainees (FTs) in order to describe the FTs Scenario and careers pathways
- Offer FTs opportunities to reconnect with Institute staff and researchers, under @iamb community in a meaningful way
- Ascertain what impact MAIB actions (Training, Research and Cooperation) have on FTs' career development and progress
- Ensure that alumni are well-informed about latest CIHEAM Bari activities and facilitate links and mutual contacts.