CIHEAM Bari, in collaboration with LUM University - Libera Università Mediterranea, School of Management - opens applications for the 2024-2025 International First Level Master in "Open Innovation & Youth Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean Agrifood Sector". The Master, at its sixth edition, envisages the active involvement of national and international companies, including Adriani SpA, Planetek Italia, Putignano & Figli, Deloitte, Exprivia, Ehvolo, Fincons Group, Timac-Agro Italia. So far, it has trained more than sixty managers of innovation.
The previous edition confirmed the longtime technical partnership with MIP, the innovation network gathering 10 different Mediterranean countries, BUSINESSMED, the Union of 25 Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises, UNIMED, the Mediterranean Universities Union – a network of Higher Education and Research Institutes that are active in promoting academic cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region and sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and the Western Balkans, ALMACUBE, spin-off of the University of Bologna specialised in open innovation, and LUM Strategy Innovation, working inpartnership with the spin-off of the University “Ca’ Foscari” of Venice, service company focused on strategic innovation.
The Master, totally held in English and open to candidates from all over the world, aims to train a new generation of innovation managers, enhancing the entrepreneurial culture and contributing to the design, development and implementation of innovative projects within enterprises and organizations (innovation managers). Moreover, it is aimed at launching new entrepreneurial initiatives (start-ups) and providing consulting services meant to promote knowledge transfer through the introduction of business innovation processes and methods (innovation brokers).
The Master will stretch over one academic year, from January 2025 to October 2025, and awards 60 credits.
Applications will be open online from 15 May to 31 July 2024, at the following link:
Candidates are required to have a B2 Level certificate of proficiency in English and at least a bachelor’s degree (3-years diploma) in any discipline.
Full and partial scholarships are available.
For further information, please refer to the Master’s webpage, section EDUCATION.
CIHEAM Bari is proud to announce the 2024-2025 application campaign for the First Edition of the Second-Level University Master in 'Sustainable Water & Land Managament in Agricultural Ecosystems', jointly organized with the Polytechnic University of Bari.
The Master’s programme aims at preparing the new generation towards professional and academic careers and enabling their effective contribution to the sustainable management of water and land resources and to the socio-economic development thereof, in view of important challenges that include water scarcity, land degradation, demographic pressures and climate change.
Apply now to join the CIHEAM Bari community and build a successful professional and life experience on our Campus!
Deadline for application: 31 May 2024
La Federazione Nazionale degli Ordini dei Biologi e il CIHEAM Bari (, in partenariato con l’Osservatorio Dieta Mediterranea ( e l’Osservatorio Banche Imprese (, organizzano la seconda edizione del master di I livello in “Sostenibilità dei sistemi alimentari e della Dieta mediterranea”.
Il pacchetto formativo fornirà competenze teoriche e operative necessarie per comprendere la produzione agricola biologica alla luce dei sistemi innovativi di produzione, delle tecniche agricole biologiche, dei disciplinari della produzione biologica, della sostenibilità ambientale, sociale e produttiva delle coltivazioni biologiche. Inoltre, saranno trattati i temi dell’economica circolare applicati alla produzione agricola sostenibile.
Il master si svolgerà in modalità telematica asincrona. L’inizio è previsto dal prossimo 30 marzo, il termine il 20 luglio 2024. Direttore scientifico è stato designato il prof. Stefano Dumontet e direttore didattico il prof. Vincenzo Pasquale (Università Parthenope).
Per ogni altra informazione, consulta il sito FNOB - Federazione Nazionale degli Ordini dei Biologi