Students’ research

Learning from agroecosystem actors is a fundamental step for understanding the challenges to forward resilience concepts and promote agroecological transitions. Actors work in specific territories, face problems, respond to changes and opportunities, and have different motivations. They struggle to achieve their goals through complex relationships and networks.

It is under this framework that we guided our students throughout their Master research. They studied cases related to problems or challenges within specific agroecosystems in their home countries, of concern for small scale farmers, pastoralists, local institutions and organizations. They focused on issues related to food products and value chains, natural resources management, innovation systems and agricultural services. They implemented their research interacting with key actors, observing their workplace and territories, administrating questionnaires, managing group discussions, and interviewing key informants. Students challenged themselves with the analysis of complex phenomena in order to understand the causes and effects; the role of stakeholders and their networks; the behavior of farmers and their vulnerability or resilience in their territories.

The present documents provide an overview of the research carried out by our students. They briefly describe the scope of their research, the methods used to collect information, the main findings, and the list of the selected references. The aim is to help disseminate the valuable experience of our students, who have worked with passion and determination, to understand the challenges of agricultural development in their territories; to inspire youths who see themselves, in the decades to come, actively engaged in contributing to the spread of green and inclusive agriculture.

AY 2021/2023
AY 2022/2024

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