The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) has financed a programme entitled “SUPPORT AGRI-FOOD COOP NETWORK IN PALESTINE (SANET)”. CIHEAM Bari, as implementing body of the Result 3 named Agri-food sector inclusiveness improved to provide access to women and youth, and in partnership with Ministry of Agricolture of Palestine, will be responsible for its execution until September 2025.
The Result 3 of Sanet programme aims to cooperate with existing incubators in supporting their capacities to support young entrepreneur (business plan development, entrepreneurship training, mentoring) and to achieve a relevant impact, that is reaching and triggering the active role of a vital actor in the field of innovation. By building the capacity of business incubators (implementing partners of the programme) the project aims to encourage the development of local start-ups operating in the agri-food sectors and involved in digitalization processes.
To participate, please visit CIHEAM Bari website and follow the relative instructions.
The call for applications closes on 13/06/2024 at 23:59 Minutes (CET time). After this deadline, no applications can be considered.