In the frame of the Project “Support Agri-food coop Network in Palestine (SANET)”, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation through the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, CIHEAM Bari is looking for n. 9 (nine) short-term consultants for several areas of expertise (application via ROSTER OF EXPERTS).
All interested applicants shall submit their applicaton to be sent to the following email address: The following steps should be followed in order for your application to be uploaded on CIHEAM Bari Roster of Experts. Please note that steps from 1 to 4 are compulsory for both new candidates and users already registered to the Roster of experts.
1. Create a personal profile on the CIHEAM Bari Roster of Experts.
2. Upload a Curriculum vitae (CV), selecting the curriculum type “Call for Interest” and specify the title of the Project “SANET”. Your CV should include your career history, listing in chronological order your professional experiences, relevant activities and other public appointments. You should also include any other relevant academic and professional experience. The CV should be written in English including all contact, together with, a mobile phone number;
3. Upload a letter of motivation, highlighting evidence on the expertise required;
4. Upload “Information about collecting, storing and processing personal data” (Annex 1, in pdf format, duly signed);
5. Send via email the CV, Motivation Letter and Information about collecting, storing and processing personal data in pdf format to, specifying in the email object: “APPLICATION TO CALL FOR INTEREST PROJECT SANET”.