The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM Bari) intends to select a Project Manager in the framework of the project ‘Piano straordinario per la rigenerazione olivicola della Puglia’, (Extraordinary Plan for the Regeneration of Olive Groves in Puglia) in accordance with Ministerial Decree 2484/2020 adopted by Interministerial Decree No 2484 of 6 March 2020 implementing Article 8-quater of Law No 44 of 21 May.
All interested applicants shall submit the application, duly dated, and signed, in pdf format, to the following email address:
The application deadline is 30/08/2024 at 23:59.
Applicants are requested to specify the following reference code in the email subject: Ref. n. 06/V/2024 “Application for Project Manager”. Applications without the above reference will be excluded from the selection.
The application shall include:
• Motivation letter in English (maximum 1 page, A4, Times New Roman, 12), duly signed
• Curriculum vitae in English (Europass format) duly signed.
• Copy of valid passport.
• Statement “Information about collecting, storing and processing Personal Data” duly signed for approval.