The project “WATDEV Climate-Smart WATer Management and Sustainable DEVelopment for Food and Agriculture in East Africa”, financed by the DG International Partnerships (INTPA) of the European Union (EU) under the EU initiative on “Climate-relevant Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture in developing countries – DeSIRA” and implemented by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in cooperation with CIHEAM Bari (Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari).
All interested applicants shall submit the application, duly dated and signed, in pdf format, to the following email address
The application should include:
• Signed motivation letter in English (maximum 1 page);
• Signed Curriculum vitae in English (Europass format);
• Copy of valid passport.
• Personal data treatment statement duly signed for approval.
The application deadline is on 20/02/2023 at 23:59. Applicants are requested to specify the following reference code in the email subject: Ref. n. 02/V/2023 "Application for Junior Financial Manager".
Applications without the above reference will be excluded from the selection.
Qualified female applicants are encouraged to apply for this position as CIHEAM Bari caters for an inclusive working environment and is committed to achieving a gender balanced staff.
The applicants should also provide a telephone number and an email address for communications and notify CIHEAM Bari of any change occurred after submitting the application.
Please note that only complete applications received within the deadline will be accepted and considered.