News & Events
Conference & Seminars
GRASS CEILING project in Vilnius
Women's experiences of innovation: the showcase of the GRASS CEILING project in Vilnius
Strengthening Partnerships for Sudan's Future
Strengthening Partnerships for Sudan's Future
Il Vice Ministro degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, on. Edmondo Cirielli, ha inaugurato i lavori per la realizzazione dell’Hub internazionale per la formazione e l'innovazione del CIHEAM Bari
Mediterranean Innovation Agrifood Week - IV edizione
Mediterranean Innovation Agrifood Week, 26-29 Novembre 2024, CIHEAM Bari
Certificate Award Ceremony - EIMA 2024
Certificate Award Ceremony EIMA 2024 - Advanced Specialised Course 'Precision Agriculture for the Mediterranean Region' (2nd Edition)
COP29 Baku
CIHEAM Bari at COP29 in Baku
OT4EU National Workshops in Italy
CIHEAM Bari welcomed a Delegation from Kurdistan
CIHEAM Bari at the Libyan-Italian Business Forum and the Fisheries and Agriculture Exhibition
12th CIHEAM Ministerial Meeting
CIHEAM Bari joins the launch of the OECD Africa Governance Platform in Milan
Opening of the First Farmers Market in Egypt
Progetto Grass Ceiling: si alza il livello di sfida, l’idea prende corpo
Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union
MIPRO-Sud Steering Committee launched to tackle Food Security Challenges in Sudan
UniClaD project - Workshop and Final Conference
Baladiyati programme - Training sessions in Tripoli (Libya)
G7 Italia | Investire nell'apprendimento permanente per la creazione di posti di lavoro e la resilienza: un dialogo con l'Africa
CIHEAM Bari officially opened the new academic year 2024-25
Agri-business and Value Chain: Towards Sustainable Agri-food Systems' - Habari Ramazani's testimony
Firmato Protocollo d’Intesa tra il CIHEAM Bari e il Segretariato Permanente dell'Iniziativa Adriatico-Ionica (AII-PS)
New edition of the 1st level International University Master in "Open Innovation & Youth Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean Green Sector"
CIHEAM Bari launches the 2nd module of WATDEV Training Course on Climate-Smart Agriculture
2nd edition of Advanced specialized course: Precision Agriculture for the Mediterranean region
Opening Workshop: 9-13 September, 2024
Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) in the Environmental Security
UniClaD - Erasmus+ Traineeship for Student mobility - Closing Ceremony and Certificates Award
Per il sesto anno consecutivo, il CIHEAM Bari sarà presente al Meeting di Rimini
Social Impact Assessment of CIHEAM Bari Master's Courses
Al CIHEAM Bari l’evento benefico per sostenere la Scuola di WASA in Tanzania
È aperto il bando per l'ammissione al Programma Giovani Funzionari delle Organizzazioni Internazionali (Programma JPO) – Edizione 2024, finanziato dall'Italia
Kick off meeting of the “Innovative and Sustainable Cluster for Olive Value Chain” Project (OASIS)
Go Blue project: Kenyan Delegation engages in strategic talks at CIHEAM Bari
Advanced Specialisation Course on Coastal Sustainability wraps up with graduation ceremony
CIHEAM Youth Innovation Award 2024 for Green and Blue Transition in Mediterranean Food Systems
International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC) 2024 'Healthy Plants Support Human Welfare'
1st International Coastal Communities Forum
Organics Europe Youth Event 2024 - Dare forza alla prossima generazione del settore del biologico
Economia Verde e CO2.2: al CIHEAM Bari avviato il Progetto GECO 2.2
MAMi project, Capacity Building to Develop Farmers Markets' training programme
Le Giornate della Cooperazione Internazionale del CIHEAM Bari
Francesco Corvaro concluderà la 18ª edizione il 4 luglio alle 10:30 al CIHEAM Bari
Celebrata al CIHEAM Bari la Giornata Mondiale degli Oceani 2024
International Coastal Community Forum on Sustainable Development of Coastal Communities through Blue Transformation
UniClaD Student Mobility Academic Year 2024
Le Giornate della Cooperazione Internazionale del CIHEAM Bari
Graduation day at CIHEAM Bari for the Academic Year 2023-2024 Master students
ROBOCOOP-EU Consortium meeting
UNIDO and CIHEAM Bari sign a Joint Declaration for future collaboration and synergies
Launch of the 1st Level International Master in Open Innovation and Youth Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean Green Sector
12 June 2024 | University of Agriculture, Tirana (Albania), 11.00 A.M.
The Book ‘Sustainable Food Systems: Change of Route in the Mediterranean!’ is now out
Giornata Mondiale degli Oceani 2024
Al CIHEAM Bari un convegno per celebrare la bellezza e l’importanza degli oceani e la quarta edizione del premio ArpAmare sulle arti visive: saranno premiati artisti iscritti o diplomati alle Accademie di Belle Arti della Puglia
Cooperazione allo sviluppo in Albania. Meeting "Coltiviamo il futuro"
7 giugno 2024, ore 10.00 – Rogner Hotel Tirana, Sala Antigonea 1 - Tirana
Accordo di Filiera “TRENTINGRANA: il sapore della qualità e della sostenibilità”
Application campaign for CIHEAM Bari Master’s Programmes AY 2024-2025
Progetto STARTUP10: un ponte tra startup med-africane e aziende italiane
Le Giornate della Regione Puglia a Parigi
Electric motors for fishing boats in the Adriatic - European project 3EFISHING kicks off
Cerimonia consegna diplomi master SARe
Cerimonia di consegna dei Diplomi di Master in Sustainable Agroecosystems and Resilience (SARe) al CIHEAM Bari
Corso di alta formazione per manager delle politiche locali del cibo
Al CIHEAM Bari l’evento conclusivo della 2a conferenza del Food Law Academic Network
Innovazioni nell'agribusiness e sviluppo sostenibile: una nuova visione per la cooperazione internazionale a Codeway Expo
Accordo di Filiera “Vini di Qualità Sostenibile” VQS
New edition of the Master in “Open Innovation & Youth Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean Agrifood Sector” jointly organised by CIHEAM Bari and LUM School of Management
WATDEV International Stakeholder Forum and Project Partners gather to discuss water management in East Africa and Egypt
Plant Health Without Borders Simposium
International experts and local community to launch the 5th edition of the Course on the Sustainable Development of Coastal Communities
CODEWAY 2024: il CIHEAM Bari partecipa alla V Edizione col Progetto STARTUP10
International Day of Plant Health Video Contest - 3rd edition of the “Plant Health TV: Research that helps Plant Health”
Online now: “Preparing the next generation of professionals for resilience in agroecosystems”
Presentazione dei risultati Innovativi del Progetto AGREED (Agriculture, Green & Digital)
Open Innovation Day: Scenari, esperienze e sviluppo dell’Open Innovation per le imprese italiane - CIHEAM Bari, 12 aprile 2024
International Water School. Corso di formazione: Promuovere la Gestione Sostenibile delle Risorse Idriche
EU Project CoRoSect comes to a close: new dawn for insect farming practices begins
Application campaign for the 1st edition of the second-level University Master in 'Sustainable Water & Land Managament in Agricultural Ecosystems'
Master di I livello in "Sostenibilità dei sistemi alimentari e della Dieta mediterranea”
Join the 2nd FEED Community call: "Tell us about legumes" - Extended deadline
Seminario Internazionale su proprietà nutrizionali e impatto ambientale dei legumi nei Paesi del Mediterraneo
2024-2025 Master’s Programmes - Applications are open
Rigenerazione sostenibile dell'agricoltura nei territori affetti da Xylella fastidiosa – Avvio della fase di Co-Design
La community di imprese italiane s'incontra per il Progetto STARTUP10
Il CIHEAM Bari aderisce e promuove la Green Food Week 24
Mediterraneo: generi, scienza, lavoro. La parità di genere nelle complesse dinamiche della Regione mediterranea
Politiche Locali del Cibo in Italia e Transizione Alimentare del Mediterraneo
MOAN - Mediterranean Organic Agriculture Network - 12th Network Meeting
17ª edizione delle Giornate della Cooperazione Internazionale del CIHEAM Bari
Visita di studio in italia nell’ambito del progetto di cooperazione allo sviluppo: “Azioni preliminari per la costituzione dei bio territori tunisini”
Progetto MAMi – Farmers Markets, al via il programma di formazione per consolidare i mercati contadini di Mediterraneo e Africa
Climate-Smart Agriculture course (WATDEV project) launched for twenty experts from the project's African study areas
Il CIHEAM Bari ottiene la certificazione CSQA per il sistema di gestione della Parità di genere
Conferenza Internazionale "The future is young, changing mindset to deal with change" - Chiusura della terza edizione della Mediterranean Innovation Agrifood Week
Apertura della terza edizione della Mediterranean Innovation Agrifood Week con l’inaugurazione del Mediterranean Innovation Hub
Worldwide Coastal Communities Digital Marathon: a journey through best practices and sustainability
Launch of Course on Coastal Development and Climate Change for Officials from Pacific Island States
First CIHEAM Bari-PRIMA operational meeting with representatives of the main Egyptian ministries
The future of the mediterranean is in the youth’s hands | Third edition of the Mediterranean Innovation Agrifood Week: Changing mindset to deal with change
C’è tempo fino al 24 novembre per inviare la candidatura alla Call4Application di Rigenerazione Sostenibile per Innovation Partner nel settore agritech
Analisi dei risultati e buone pratiche del progetto AgriCultura
Worldwide Coastal Communities digital marathon, a global initiative for coastal communities  
Cerimonia di consegna dei Diplomi di Master of Science del CIHEAM Bari
RISE-ATTER Autumn School
Youth Employment and Innovation at the heart of the official CIHEAM visit to Albania
Launch of the Advanced Course in Organic Aquaculture: Promoting Sustainability in the Mediterranean Sea
Aperta la Call4Application di Rigenerazione Sostenibile per Innovation Partner nel settore agritech
Conferenza “Il design delle nuove competenze, una sfida da cogliere – Bari, 6 ottobre 2023
Risultati dell'AMP Otranto-Leuca e Blue Land Day 2023
An Egyptian delegation in Puglia: A Study tour on wastewater management in agriculture
1st Showcase of the GRASS CEILING project
Join the FEED Community - Tell your Good Practice and make it grow!
International Summer School
International Water School at CIHEAM Bari from 18 to 22 September 2023
Trees and forests facing global change: Mediterranean countries at the forefront
New edition of the Master in “Open Innovation & Youth Entrepreneurship” jointly organised by CIHEAM Bari and LUM School of Management
Il CIHEAM Bari al Meeting di Rimini 2023
Training Workshop “Implementing the precision Fish Farming Approach in land-based aquafarms”
Visit of H.E. Nevine al Kabbage, Egyptian Ministry of Social Solidarity, to CIHEAM Bari
Manifestazione d'interesse per promuovere lo scambio e la collaborazione tra operatori dei settori agroalimentare e creativo-culturale di Italia e Grecia
High level delegation from Pakistan visited CIHEAM Bari
Open conference: Transizioni agro-ecologiche nei sistemi alimentari territoriali
What’s next after Xylella? Innovative solutions for agribusiness sustainability
The Italian Living Lab starts and spreads over the area of Bitonto (BA) the female rural innovation
153a riunione del Consiglio di Amministrazione del CIHEAM a Tricase
Representatives of NENA Region’s Ministers of Agriculture endorse the ‘Bari Declaration’ on plant protection
International Conference on Strengthening Technology Transfer Offices: a new model of international public-private cooperation for young people empowerment and increased business competitiveness
‘High-level meeting on the management strategy of transboundary plant pests and diseases in NENA region’
Let's refresh Plant Health Science! At CIHEAM Bari on 21 June: The young researchers’ happy hour
Visit of Niger's delegation to CIHEAM Bari
NEWTECHAQUA, Advanced Course in Organic Aquaculture
Puglia's Biodiversity on the Mediterranean tables
8 June - World Oceans Day 2023 - CIHEAM Bari hosts the conference on recent marine ecosystem changes and the third edition of ArpAmare Award
Closing Workshop for the Advanced Specialized course in "Precision Agriculture for the Mediterranean Region"
CREATIVE@HUBS: Driving and connecting creative industries and agri-food research for rural development
3rd CIHEAM Alumni Gathering
CREATIVE@HUBS project - Seminars for hub managers
CIHEAM Bari joins the SDGs campaign in Naples with ‘Food policies for Mediterranean Cities'
Digital SKILLS: the digital future on the move - Presentation of innovative solutions developed by 30 young trainees
Dal Ciocco al Pinocchio: l’importanza della comunicazione nella società contemporanea
UniClaD Project Study Tour
Italian Deputy Minister Cirielli visits CIHEAM Bari with Director General Castaldo and Minister Plenipotentiary Gatti
‘Sustainable Regeneration of Agriculture in the areas affected by Xylella Fastidiosa’: Launch of the Project’s Open Innovation activities
Memorandum of Understanding between CIHEAM Bari and Skopje Institute of Agriculture
International Day of Plant Health - 12 May 2023
Launch of the fourth Edition of the International Course on Sustainable Development of Coastal Communities
Inauguration of the new scientific hub of CIHEAM Bari's Office in Tricase
13 May at CIHEAM Bari's office in Tricase
A Pact for Mediterranean Women’s Health - Cyrene Project
CIHEAM Bari will take part in the 24th ‘Race for the Cure 2023’ in Rome to spread the culture of healthy eating habits and lifestyle
CIHEAM Bari will participate in MACFRUT exhibition in Rimini with the JoSME Project to promote Jordan's agri-food system and strengthen trade relations with Italy
FutureEUAqua Project final conference
CIHEAM Bari takes place in 'Il cibo al centro' 
Agrilevante 2023 is launched at CIHEAM Bari
CIHEAM Bari takes part in the 17th session of the IPPC-FAO Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM 17)
Frida Krifca takes office as President of the CIHEAM's Governing Board
1 April 2023
Opening of 2023-2024 Application campaign
Albanian Minister of Agriculture Frida Krifca visits Aku laboratories
Contro la fame si alleano CIHEAM Bari e Rete mondiale mercati contadini
CASSINI Hackathon Italia awards the FEMMAN project to solve the challenge of illegal fishing
In Albania, the CIHEAM stresses the importance of Cooperation for more Sustainable Mediterranean Food Systems
CIHEAM Bari Safial Project presented to the Italian Minister Food Sovereignty and Forestry, Francesco Lollobrigida
Broad participation and great interest of operators in the olive sector in Pakistan for training on SOP and GAP of the OliveCulture project
International Workshop on Strengthening the Promotion of Innovative Start-ups and Job opportunities in Rural areas of the EUSAIR Countries
Project “Enhancing Capacity Of Universities To Initiate And To  articipate In Clusters Development On Innovation And Sustainability Principles” (UniClaD)
Advanced specialized course: Precision Agriculture for the Mediterranean region
Opening Workshop: 12–18 April, 2023
Kick-off of SOS research project: Development of Sustainable Control Strategies against Philaenus spumarius and Interference with Xylella fastidiosa Transmission
22 March, 9.30 AM, at CIHEAM Bari’s Cosimo Lacirignola Campus
In Nairobi, the Multi-actor Regional Meeting and the Annual Partnership Meeting of the WATDEV project validated mid-term results and planned next joint research steps
SAFIAL Project - 2nd Steering Committee meeting
Manifestazione d’interesse: “Call for Innovation” (Progetto “CREATIVE@HUBs”) - Proroga scadenza
The first Advanced Course on Water Management and Wastewater Treatment for Agricultural Reuse ended
International Water School. The Training Programme is now in full swing
A Short Master Course under the auspices of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS)
Il CIHEAM Bari al convegno "Serious Games for Lifelong Language Learning to Prevent Neurodegenerative Disorders: From Gut Microbiota to Brain Networking"
Digital SKILL: Kick-off of the international advanced training course
6 March 2023, 3 PM - Tricase CIHEAM's Office
Teodoro Miano takes office today as CIHEAM’s Secretary General
Lotta integrata al Marine litter e all’inquinamento costiero. L’esperienza del progetto COMMON in Salento, nuove strategie e sinergie per la lotta a inquinamento e rifiuti
Giovedì 2 marzo 2023 - Sala consiliare del Comune di Castrignano del Capo (LE)
The Blue & Green project | Newsletter N. 2 - February 2023
La ristorazione collettiva come strumento culturale per promuovere la dieta mediterranea
Towards an International Water School
AQP, CIHEAM Bari, UNIMED, IRSA-CNR and DICATECh signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop training, research and cooperation projects on current status and future of water resources.
CIHEAM Bari is organising a conference on "Eco-sustainable enhancement of ancient olive groves: the experience of the Cross Border Olive project
NATAE, a newly awarded project under the Horizon Europe programme
CIHEAM Bari at the 2nd WASAG International Forum on Water Scarcity in Agriculture
Bio.Re.Goal: final conference of the project supporting Albania for a new organic law in line with the EU regulation
First meeting of the CIHEAM Corporate Working Group (CWG) on Forestry
4th edition of the high-level specialized course on Sustainable Development of Coastal Communities
Incontro al CIHEAM Bari e alla Sede di Tricase con il nuovo Segretario Esecutivo della GFCM-FAO Miguel Bernal
Primo incontro della delegazione del CIHEAM Bari con l’Ambasciatrice Teresa Castaldo, nuova DG per la Cooperazione allo sviluppo
Firmato il Protocollo di Intesa tra il Consorzio di bonifica di secondo grado per il Canale Emiliano Romagnolo (CER) e il CIHEAM Bari
Renewed Water Challenge 2023
Le giornate della Cooperazione Internazionale
9-13 gennaio 2023
Digital Skills Job training
Innovation Agrifood Week | Convengno internazionale - Cooperazione per l'innovazione nel settore agroalimentare del Mediterraneo: un ecosistema in evoluzione
Al CIHEAM Bari la 2a edizione della Mediterranean Innovation Agrifood Week | 12-16 dicembre 2022
Progetto SUSTLIVES, pianificazione annuale delle attività in Burkina Faso e Niger
20ª edizione del Forum Internazionale dell'Agricoltura e dell'Alimentazione
Digital Skills Job training
Nominations at CIHEAM | Mrs. Frida Krifca, elected President of the CIHEAM Governing Board, and Mr. Teodoro Miano as Secretary General
Il CIHEAM Bari all'Esposizione Internazionale di Macchine per l’Agricoltura e il Giardinaggio (EIMA)
Il CIHEAM Bari partecipa alla Conferenza sul Clima COP 27
CIHEAM Bari at the 13th Arab Plant Protection Congress
Biagio Di Terlizzi al seminario "The Strategic Role of International Coalitions to Achieve Food Security” di Bergamo
Tab Content #2
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