The Coastal Communities Digital Marathon is a global event aimed at highlighting the vital importance of maritime communities around the world and will take place on November 21 on World Fisheries Day.
Conceived and organized by CIHEAM Bari, Coldiretti and the World Farmers Markets Coalition, this marathon will not only review best practices already implemented, but also offers a significant opportunity to make connections, stimulate the acquisition of new skills and knowledge, and promote practices and approaches that are ecologically sustainable and socially and economically beneficial.
Divided into three distinct blocks, based on different time zones, the marathon brings together 16 coastal communities, from the Asian continent, Europe, and Africa to the coasts of North and South America, with the aim of sharing stories, experiences and sustainable practices, outlining a rich mosaic of millennial traditions and innovations.
In the Asian block, which extends from Sri Lanka to Australia through Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines, we will explore the economic and social significance of fishing, the impacts of the ecosystem approach to resource management, the diversification of the fisheries sector, and we will hear fishers’ opinions on marine protected areas.
In the Europe and Africa block, Morocco, Senegal, Italy, Tunisia, Turkey, Zanzibar and Kenya will present strategies adopted to cope with the impacts of climate change on fisheries, actions to manage the invasion of alien species, and share virtuous experiences of diversification and sustainable fishing in marine protected areas.
Finally, in the South and North American block, the marathon will complete this overview by highlighting sustainable practices underway in coastal communities across the Americas, ranging from climate action mitigation in Canada to marine resource enhancement in the U.S.
This marathon is not only an exploration of challenges and opportunities; it is also a strategic opportunity to learn from best practices, share knowledge, and find inspiration to define the sustainable future of coastal communities around the world.