Following the declaration by the United Nations General Assembly of the International Day of Plant Health (IDPH), every 12th of May, the plant health community celebrates the importance of plant health by organizing events to raise awareness and to mobilize international communities.
In order to give visibility to national and international research and development activities carried out by plant health scientists and their organizations, the Euphresco III network, the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies of Bari (CIHEAM Bari), the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative (PBRI) and CABI are pleased to launch the fourth edition of the video contest ‘Plant Health TV - Promoting the importance of Plant Health research’*.
The winning video will be broadcast at international events organized for the celebration of the 2025 IDPH, and other events such as the 17th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union (MPU2025).
The purpose of the video contest is to:
Interested early career researchers (up to 35 years old) are invited to submit a short video (up to 90 seconds) on the research they are conducting on quarantine pests which are considered of a priority importance for any country/region.
The winner of the contest will be invited to take part in a two-week internship hosted by PBRI (Australia), NIPHM (India), or CIHEAM Bari (Italy).
The award covers transport, board and lodging expenses with sponsorship from PBRI-Australia, CIHEAM Bari Italy and the EUPHRESCO III project.
Competition entry conditions
Application process
Important dates and deadlines 2025
The evaluation will be performed using the following criteria:
The applicant with the highest score will win.
Inquiries and more information
For further information and inquiries, please contact the Secretariat (