From 23 June to 19 July 2024, CIHEAM Bari had the privilege of hosting eight Ukrainian students at the Cosimo Lacirignola Campus, as part of the student mobility scheme of the UniClaD Erasmus+ programme (CAPACITY BUILDING IN HIGHER EDUCATION (KA2). The students came from the Central Ukraine National Technical University (CUNTU).
Over 28 days, 20 researchers and experts from CIHEAM Bari led the group through individual work and learning activities, providing a comprehensive training experience that included lectures and instruction sessions, field trips, meetings with local stakeholders and international experts, and laboratory practicals.
While developing their research capacity and knowledge of the Italian and Apulian agrifood districts, the students were also actively involved in intercultural exchange and could attend seminars, workshops exchanging with international speakers and experts in the framework of ongoing research projects.
During the closing ceremony, Maurizio Raeli, Director of CIHEAM Bari, emphasised that “In line with the objectives set out in the UniClaD project proposal, around 60 undergraduate, MSc and PhD students from partner countries, including Azerbaijan, Moldova and Ukraine, are participating in a 28-day mobility scheme from April to September 2024 and are being hosted in various partner countries such as Austria, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and Spain”.
Find more about UniClaD project:
UniClaD is a 3-year project (2021 - 2024), funded by the European Commission (approximately 1 million euros) under the Erasmus+ KA2 programme. Project leader Noureddin Driouech (senior researcher at CIHEAM Bari) outlined that UniClaD will work across competence centres (agro-industrial clusters) set up within HEIs. The clusters will ensure and strengthen connections with other organisations, encourage farms to develop innovations generated in HEIs, and promote collaborative activities based on mutual interest. This will be possible through administrative support, a legal framework and research activities that meet real needs. In particular, clusters will be created in the field of agriculture and agri-food processing with a focus on local products, biotechnology and poultry breeding, rural tourism, aquaculture and water management.
‘Enhancing capacity of universities to initiate and to participate in clusters development on innovation and sustainability principles (UniClaD)”
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission/ PROGRAM ERASMUS +, PROJECTKA2 N° 609944-EPP-1-2019-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP