Giunto alla 45esima edizione, il Meeting di Rimini 2024 si svolgerà dal 20 al 25 agosto. "Se non siamo alla ricerca dell’essenziale, allora cosa cerchiamo?" è il titolo della manifestazione di quest’anno, che si preannuncia ricca di tavole rotonde, mostre, spettacoli, iniziative culturali e sportive, con eventi dedicati anche ai ragazzi.

Tra gli incontri in programma, il CIHEAM Bari, in collaborazione con CUAMM-Medici con l’Africa, organizza il prossimo 22 agosto (ore 12 - Arena Internazionale C3), il convegno Alimentazione e salute in Africa: un binomio necessario.

Moderato da Stefano Gatti, direttore generale per la Cooperazione allo sviluppo, al convegno parteciperanno, tra gli altri, Biagio Di Terlizzi, direttore aggiunto del CIHEAM Bari, Dante Carraro, direttore dell’ONG Medici con l’Africa CUAMM, Daniela Fatarella, direttrice Generale di Save The Children Italia, oltre alcuni rappresentanti tanzanesi, che porteranno le loro testimonianze.

CIHEAM Bari announces the launch of the second Social Impact Assessment of its Master’s Courses and invites former students from the academic years 2016-2017 to 2021-2022 to complete the following survey.

Our courses all draw on a broad institutional experience gained over decades of research and cooperation in different contexts and countries. By participating in our survey, you will make your voice heard and help us further improve our commitment towards meeting the challenges ahead in the Mediterranean communities in the years to come.

The deadline for completing the survey is 9 August 2024.

Thank you for your time and availability, but most of all, thank you for being part of our beloved community.

CIHEAM Bari community

Martedì 23 luglio, alle ore 20.30, nel Campus Cosimo Lacirignola del CIHEAM Bari, sarà messa in scena la commedia musicale Ma l’amore no, dedicata alla canzone melodica italiana, diretta da Marco Grossi e prodotta dalla Compagnia Malalingua.

Questa iniziativa culturale, organizzata dal Rotary Club Bari, è finalizzata alla raccolta fondi per il progetto FARM – Noi con la Scuola di WASA-TANZANIA.

FARM è stato creato per supportare la Scuola di WASA nel suo impegno a garantire il sostegno alimentare, l'istruzione e l’avvio al lavoro di 70 ragazzi tanzanesi. Grazie a questo service rotariano, i ragazzi potranno acquisire competenze specifiche nel settore agricolo, essenziali per la gestione di 10 ettari di terreno della scuola.

L'obiettivo principale è migliorare le pratiche agricole, per garantire continuità e varietà produttiva. Questo permetterà di assicurare il sostentamento alimentare degli studenti per tutto l’anno, oltre a offrire significativi benefici per la salute, grazie a una dieta più varia e bilanciata.

Il progetto è sostenuto da Rotary Club Bari, Chiesa di Wasa - Diocesi di Iringa, Università di Wageningen, One Acre Fund, CIHEAM Bari e Banca Patrimoni Sella & C. S.p.A.

L'evento sarà un'importante occasione per unire cultura e solidarietà, contribuendo a un futuro migliore per i giovani della Scuola di WASA.

Due posizioni, riservate a candidati di nazionalità italiana, sono disponibili al CIHEAM Bari:

Le descrizioni dettagliate delle posizioni sono reperibili sul sito web di UN/DESA.

I candidati interessati possono accedere alla piattaforma online dedicata e seguire le istruzioni per presentare la propria candidatura per le posizioni selezionate.

Il bando rimarrà aperto per un mese, con scadenza fissata al 12 agosto 2024 alle ore 14.00 (ora locale italiana).

In linea con la politica di parità di genere del CIHEAM Bari, le donne sono fortemente incoraggiate a candidarsi.

Il Programma JPO è un’iniziativa finanziata dal Governo italiano attraverso la Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (MAECI) e curata dal Dipartimento degli Affari Economici e Sociali delle Nazioni Unite (UN/DESA). Il Programma permette a giovani qualificati di acquisire un’esperienza formativa e professionale nelle organizzazioni internazionali per un periodo di due anni, con la possibilità di un’eventuale estensione di un anno.

Lo scopo del Programma è duplice. Da una parte favorisce le attività di cooperazione delle organizzazioni internazionali associando giovani talenti ad iniziative di sviluppo, dall’altra consente a giovani professionisti interessati alle carriere internazionali di compiere esperienze rilevanti che nel futuro ne potrebbero favorire il reclutamento da parte delle organizzazioni stesse o in ambito internazionale.

Maggiori informazioni:

The kick off meeting of the “Innovative and Sustainable Cluster for Olive Value Chain” project, co-funded by the European Union, was held in Izmir at the Turkish city's Commodity Exchange between July 8 and 9, 2024.

The OASIS project brings together 7 legal entities (beneficiaries) from 3 different countries (Türkiye, Spain, and Italy) that will be supporting 150 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) involved in the olive sector to identify and implement measures to improve the material-use efficiency of production processes, the prevention and reduction of food waste and losses, reduce the vulnerability of food production systems to external factors such as adverse weather events related to climate change, and stabilize the food supply chain by reducing production costs and promoting a more competitive and resilient market.

Coordinated by ICE (Izmir Commodity Exchange), the OASIS consortium aims to establish and promote “European agri-food sustainability cluster partnerships” to facilitate implementation of the EU Code of Conduct on Food and Marketing Practices by SMEs.

The 36-month OASIS project also aims to establish strong links between stakeholders by facilitating the exchange of information and expertise within the sector, creating a network to ensure continuous communication even after the project.

OASIS Project Partners are as follows: Izmir Agriculture Technology Center (ITTM), Unioncamere Puglia, Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva (CTNC), Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM Bari), Camera di Commercio e Industria Italiana per la Spagna (CCIS).

CIHEAM Bari's Tricase office has hosted a technical and political dialogue meeting organised as part of the Go Blue project and attended by a Kenyan delegation from Kenya's 6 coastal regions.

The meeting was intended to be both a time to share the activities carried out under the project and to present and discuss possible future initiatives that can significantly contribute to the development of Kenya and the strengthening of collaboration between the two countries in the field of Blue Economy.

The Go Blue project, financed through funds from the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) is implemented by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation - AICS in partnership with the Kenyan government and relies on the collaboration of AICS and CIHEAM Bari to promote inclusive, sustainable and widespread economic growth and strengthen blue economy supply chains in the coastal areas of the country.

The project involves several European and international partners, including GIZ, UN-Habitat, Expertise France and Portuguese Cooperation, working on various aspects of the Blue Economy.

Project activities are directed at strengthening the value chain of the blue economy by improving co-management of fisheries resources and enhancing fisheries value chains for shared prosperity, inclusive economic growth and job creation. In addition, the project aims to improve the operations of farmer groups within the cassava value chain and support the JKP Secretariat in developing economic actions and strategies for coastal regions.

The 5th edition of the 10-week Advanced Specialisation Course on Sustainable Development of Coastal Communities closed on Saturday, July 13, with the awarding of certificates.

The training offered the 14 officials from relevant ministries of different communities in the Mediterranean and Africa (Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, Italy, Mozambique, Senegal, Somalia, Tunisia and Uganda) a holistic view of the concept of sustainability as applied to a coastal community. Through a combination of theoretical lectures, hand-on practice and technical visits, it offered insights and perspectives to address the challenges related to the integrated management of the same areas in the coastal context, inspired by the model of the Tricase Port Museum and its community.

The Sustainable Development of Coastal Communities (SDCC) course is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and organised by CIHEAM Bari with the technical support from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM).

Saturday’s ceremony was attended by the Libyan delegation, led by Elhadi Mohammed Etorjamani, Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Marine Wealth of the Republic of Libya. The delegation came to Tricase for the purpose of enhancing the results of the MAWEGO project and planning shared prospects for action to revitalize the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Libya.

Also attending the certificate award ceremony was the delegation composed of the governors of Kenya's 6 coastal regions. The Kenyan representation is involved in the Go Blue project, financed through the funds of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) and implemented by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation - AICS in partnership with the Kenyan government, relying on the collaboration of AICS and CIHEAM Bari to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth in the coastal areas of the country.

The CIHEAM launched the Youth Innovation Award in 2022 to reward innovative solutions, designed and implemented by young people, to accelerate green and blue transition processes towards more sustainable, inclusive and equitable food systems in the Mediterranean (SFS Med).

The 2024 edition is launched with the support of three partners who share common objectives and a common vision for the Mediterranean, namely, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED) and the Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (BusinessMed).

The “CIHEAM Youth Innovation Award for Green and Blue Transition in the Mediterranean” will reward an innovative solution (scientific or entrepreneurial product/service) at least in the pilot phase, developed by a Mediterranean young woman or man aged under 39 years and implemented in a country of the region. The innovation must demonstrate its ability to contribute to the environmental, social and economic sustainability of Mediterranean food systems.

The selected awardee will receive a financial grant of 10.000 €, a CIHEAM medal and a Certificate. Other recognitions will also be awarded in the form of a one-year scholarship for a Master's degree in Open Innovation and Youth Entrepreneurship at CIHEAM Bari; and in the form of an internship in one of the partner companies.

The Award ceremony will take place on the occasion of a CIHEAM special session held during the ECOMONDO - The Green Technology Expo, one of the most important fairs in the world dedicated to green and circular economy hosted in Rimini, Italy, on 5-8 November, 2024. 

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